Legal notices


Purpose of the Site and Terms of Use

The website is for information purposes only, its aim being to present the activities of the management company Initiative & Finance Gestion. Its content is purely indicative and shall in no event constitute an offer to purchase or sell, or a recommendation to take part in any investment or public issue.

It cannot not be interpreted as a form of direct marketing. It is not possible to make any investments through the website.

The management company hereby reminds readers that its funds are not guaranteed investment funds, and that they entail risks of capital losses, specific risks for companies not listed on regulated markets, and a long lock-in period. Information about investments made is provided for the sole purpose of informing investors about portfolio companies, and must in no event be considered as a recommendation to buy or sell. Past performance does not dictate future performance, and performance is not constant over time.

Any investment in an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) must be made only after reading the associated legal documentation, including the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the Rules.

Site owner

Initiative & Finance Gestion

AMF-accredited management company (ID number: GP 10000043)
French simplified joint-stock company (SAS) with capital of €1,229,304
Entered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the number 343 373 825 – EU VAT Number: FR 143 433 73 825

Initiative & Finance Gestion is a member of France Invest.

Registered Office:
20, rue Quentin Bauchart
75008 Paris
Tel.: +33 1 56 89 97 00
Fax : +33 1 56 89 97 01

44, rue de la République
69002 Lyon
Tel.: +33 4 78 87 86 85
Fax : +33 4 78 87 85 00


Publication Manager: Jean-Bernard Meurisse
Production: Vahumana
Hosted by: Safebrands / Pôle Média de la Belle de Mai / 37 Rue Guibal / 13 356 Marseille Cedex 3 / Tél : +33 (0)4 88662222



In accordance with the French Law of January 6, 1978 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties, this website has been declared to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL), the French Data Protection Authority. Users of the site must comply with the provisions of the Law on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties.


Data Protection

Initiative & Finance Gestion undertakes to use your contact details only for the purposes of its commercial relationship with you as a client. It therefore guarantees the confidentiality of this data, which will in no event be sold or made accessible to third parties. Individuals who communicate personal data to Initiative & Finance Gestion via this website or by any other means are hereby informed that they have a right to access, rectify and delete the information concerning them, under European Regulation No 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which entered into force on May 25, 2018.

To exercise this right, please send a letter to the following address: Initiative & Finance Gestion, 20, rue Quentin Bauchart, 75008 Paris.

Intellectual Property

The content of the website is available solely for private and non-collective use.

Any use or total or partial reproduction of elements contained on this website (texts, illustrations, marks, logos, data, drawings, graphics, photographs, etc.) concerning Initiative & Finance Gestion or its Partners is prohibited without the express prior permission of Initiative & Finance Gestion.

Access to the Site 

Initiative & Finance Gestion reserves the right to modify, cancel, suspend or interrupt access to all or part of the site, including its content, features or hours of availability, at any time, for any reason, at its sole discretion and without prior notice.

Connection Data / Cookies 

Initiative & Finance Gestion hereby informs users that this site collects connection data that does not identify users by name. Users are hereby informed that, during their visits to the site, a cookie may automatically be installed in their browsing software.

A cookie is a block of data that serves to record information about browsing on the site, without making it possible to identify users.

Collecting this data enables Initiative & Finance Gestion to analyze users’ visits to the site and to know which pages they have viewed.

As a result, Initiative & Finance Gestion is able to offer content on the site that is suited to the interests of each User.

Responsability for Content 

Initiative & Finance Gestion strives to ensure that the information published on this site is as accurate and up to date as possible, and reserves the right to correct the content, without notice, at any time.

We therefore notify visitors that it is their responsibility to check the provided information by other means, including by contacting us. Consequently, we decline any responsibility for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission in the information available on the site; and for any damage or loss resulting from a fraudulent third-party intrusion leading to the modification of the information available on the site.

Websites outside of Initiative & Finance Gestion to which hyperlinks are posted on this site are not within the control of Initiative & Finance Gestion, which consequently declines any responsibility for their content. Such links shall in no case constitute a sign of approval or a partnership between Initiative & Finance Gestion and said sites, which are subject to their own terms of use and privacy policies. All products, marks, logos and images cited on this site belong to their respective companies.


Applicable Law

This website is governed by French law. Any legal action concerning this website must be brought in the French courts.


Customer complaints

This website is governed by French law. Any legal action concerning this website must be brought in the French courts.
A ‘complaint’ is a statement of dissatisfaction made by a customer to the Management Company. It is important to note that a request for information, advice, clarification, service or provision is not a complaint.
Initiative & Finance Gestion has established and maintains an operational procedure for handling complaints from its clients. The procedure is available on request from the company’s head office.

Complaints may be submitted free of charge:
– In writing: by registered post or by e-mail to the following address
– Orally: telephone +33 (0)
The complaint will then be recorded in writing and forwarded to the persons authorised to deal with the complaint. A copy will also be sent to you.

Initiative & Finance Gestion undertakes to deal with any complaint received within the following delays:
– a maximum of ten working days from the date on which the written complaint is sent, to acknowledge receipt, unless the response itself is provided to the client within this period ;
– a maximum of two months, unless special circumstances arise and are duly justified, between the date on which the written complaint is received and the date on which the response is sent to the client.

However, Initiative & Finance Gestion will endeavour to provide you with a response as soon as possible. In addition, if the complexity of the resolution requests that this deadline is exceeded, the Management Company will inform you in advance.

All customers may appeal to a mediator if they are not satisfied with the response to their complaint. The AMF Ombudsman may also be called upon to deal with a dispute that falls within the AMF’s remit when the dispute concerns a professional and his or her legal entity client who is not acting for professional purposes as a saver or investor. The address of the AMF Ombudsman is as follows

AMF Ombudsman
Autorité des Marchés Financiers
17, place de la Bourse
75082 Paris cedex 02

For more information:

Link to the AMF mediation charter:

Link to the AMF mediation request form:

If you decide to contact the AMF Ombudsman, which is free of charge, your choice is final.